Tuesday, December 2, 2008

BEAUTIFUL KNEE! (and Silas too)

First off- Rude doing some BEAUTIFUL KNEE!

...Really it's just a pose my brother struck and I told him to hold it. Then rotation, speedlines and BAM! BEAUTIFUL!

NOW THIS! This is what I'm really kinda proud of tonight. I realized earlier today that for some reason none of my characters have foreheads. And they all have really long faces. People seemed to think that this was a stylistic choice on my part.

It was not. :|

So I'm sort of trying to adjust some character designs to include foreheads. Silas, being my wimpy ginuea pig, was up first. These are the most recent tries (the first ones were hastily baleeted due to ULTIMATE SUCK) and by God, I do believe he looks better than ever. (Though input is always appreciated in these things!)

(Also the shirtless image of him turned out pretty good, I think, considering my shaky, shaky grasp on torso anatomy.)

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